Bridgetown, Western Australia
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B.S. in Business (Economics), Monash University, Gippsland Campus, Melbourne, Victoria 1982–1988 [part-time]
B.A. (English & Comparative Literature) Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia 1996–1998
APA is my preferred referencing style because I love the hanging indents in the reference list.
I love taking on new challenges. Also, since I love English and hate grammatical mistakes, proofreading and editing seemed like a natural extension of what I do in my business. I'm an old hand who left the routine of "regular" management behind to start my own financial services company. After running this company for many years, I'm now using my love of the English language and literature, as well as my enjoyment of creating training packages, websites, and reading, to start a new phase of my life with proofreading and editing. I've always enjoyed helping people develop as individuals and businesses, so proofreading in the commercial and academic sectors is a natural choice for me.
Born in England, now living in Australia. Wrote and edited marketing and promotional articles for various businesses. Compiled and presented training packages for financial departments of businesses. Created and am currently operating my own financial services business, Accounts Receivable Solutions. Developed and am currently operating my own training excellence business, Training Excellence. Built WordPress websites for small businesses and nonprofits. Managed customer service in the banking industry. Worked in the fraud investigations and complaints departments in the banking industry. Taught English at a senior school level. Educated various businesses about wine. Managed a commercial international manufacturing company.
To me, proofreading is the critical step that enables a business to present itself accurately to the public and to its competitors. Mistakes are costly and cause delays. Proofreading academic work is essential for both the student and the work to be published. In all cases, that's what makes editing and proofreading special to me: helping to get the message across clearly, consistently, and confidently.
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Fiction: Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien or most of Thomas Hardy's work Nonfiction: Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Reading The English language Music Wine Creating websites English football
I like to enlarge the font or sometimes change it completely to help me see all the small punctuation marks. Then I print the document for a first reading to catch obvious errors and read it aloud to catch other nuances. I also recommend developing a checklist and using it with your own style guide to supplement the client's.
Peter K
Mount Waverly, Australia
Anatomy & Physiology, Bioengineering, Biological Sciences, Energy & Power, Engineering, Genetics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physical Sciences, Physics
Scheherazade K
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Art History, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, English, Fiction, Fine Arts, History, Language & Literature, Middle Eastern & African Studies, Women's & Gender Studies
Glenys R
Glossop Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Business & Management, English, TESOL
Oonagh C
Leeds, United Kingdom
Art & Design, Art History, Botany, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Fine Arts, Town & Country Planning and Landscape Design, Women's & Gender Studies
Bradley R
Milwaukee, United States
Criminology, Law, Sociology, Sports Science
Tanya B
Molalla, United States
Human Resources, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sociology
Marita S
Berlin, Germany
American Studies, Communication & Media Studies, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Education, English, Language & Literature, Linguistics, TESOL, Translation Studies
Megan S
Sheffield, England
American Studies, Communication & Media Studies, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Dance, Drama & Theatre, English, Fiction, Film Studies, Language & Literature, Marketing
Fast and affordable proofreading for academics, professionals, and authors. Available 24/7. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed.